When I first started this blog I just wanted to express my inner self, to release the pressure. Then I realized I actually liked to get opinions, write stories, try to make something more out of my ideas, my interpretation of life and things and my place in the world. This blog is just one of those places where I like to return when I'm alone, have time and something to say, or just remember, dream, think or develop.
Some day I wish I could write a story to make my life worth it. Have to admit it's going pretty hard so far, as I don't have a very unusual life, I've not been through spectacular things.
Perhaps, in some sense, my only ability is to feel other people close, to perceive what other people think and feel, in a sense... to put myself inside of other people (not only their shoes:) ). I keep trying to improve my writing skills hoping that one day I can put down the ideas I have had and, hopefully, will always have, and make you, the reader, feel them as I do.
'Till then, then!
As for history, the look of the website has changed numerous times. The current theme was inspired by changes in my life. Mystery, unknown, fear, and fascination are some of the few feelings I wished to inspire. I received help for the colors from my brother, and I found the symbol on the sidebar here.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
About this blog
10:15:00 PM
traveler's tips
Label: Pages
Monday, January 30, 2006
About me
I thought maybe one day I'll manage to do something memorable (and good) for this world. In 2006 in my philosophy class I found a quote that convinced me not to have any expectations anymore:
"Only a dead man can dominate the situation in Denmark*. Licentiousness, envy, gossip, and mediocrity are everywhere supreme. Were I to die now the effect of my life would be exceptional; much of what I have simply jotted down carelessly in the Journals would become of great importance and have a great effect; for then people would have grown reconciled to me and would be able to grant me what was, and is, my right."
—Søren Kierkegaard, Journals (December 1849)
*as well as in the world
**from here
View my complete profile
About this blog
10:18:00 PM
traveler's tips
Label: Pages
WWW stuff:
- Stuff on my other blog
- Disney stories!
- Sweet misery - a poisoned world added 09-16-07
- Biblioteca online gratuita!
- The future of filesharing
- The Curch of the Subgenius
- Are you capable of real love?
- Be anti-messenger!
- Quizzes for everyone
- The Devil's Dictionary
What's up around the blog:
- [Long story short] - NEW! - March 3rd
- My polls - NEW! March 3rd
- Wacky links - March 16th
- Movie of the month - NEW! - September 16th
- Quotes of the day
- The beggar
- My Google page
- Romanian blog
- Dictionary of "free expression"
9:38:00 PM
traveler's tips
Label: Pages