I've just been thinking that maybe something strange is happening to the world: everyone's getting lonelier. It might be just me, growing up, and I'm sure others like me had this same thought once, but with people moving, internet growing, long distance communication easier and cheaper everyday, people become more and more indifferent to their neighbors and active to others that are far away... and that's the story of long distance relationships and lonely beings with no friends. Why? Why not care about your neighbors?
Well, there are still some that hate the internet and every pen-friendish relationship, so they go for the natural hang-out-with-whoever's-around kinda thing. So that's encouraging. But for those who don't choose so, their reason is generally: because it's easier, more convenient, and if I move, I don't have to worry about leaving my friends behind. But is that really life?
What I've seen here in the US is that most people work, and have no friends. No real friends, anyway. They all have "friends" they party with, people they waste time around with, but there's really nobody they can buzz at 2 o'clock in the morning at the door and start crying cause their girlfriend or boyfriend was an ass. They don't go through life-threatening challenges and generally have no time to spare for a random person they just met. Everyone's working or going to school, or both! It's like we've forgotten what gives our life meaning...
It's OTHERS people, it's others! If you were the only person on this planet, there would be no sense to living! So why, then, choose to live off of some imaginary relationship with no hope of ever turning real? To satisfy your own social needs? How can you really help your friends if they have an accident, or God knows what else? Oh, gee, and to think that some actually tell me that's they way they want to lead their whole life...
Am I just being paranoid or is there something really happening?
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Evelyn: Don't worry about 'why' when 'what' is right in front of you. (The Shape of Things)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Life in loneliness?
11:00:00 PM
Label: Reaching out
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1 comment:
Hmm…. intrigant subiect..
Stii,ma gandesc ca des, tocmai realitatea despre care vorbesti nu mai poate fi cuprinsa si nici acceptata.. o forma de revolta, o alta de retragere launtrica..cine stie exact..
Caci aici tocmai realitatea este condensata.. este.. simbolizata ..nu mai este intreaga.. este dozata..
In felul asta ti se permite sa fii tu in intregime.. ma rog, intregimea pe care o poti manifesta astfel..
Si de ce nu poti sa fii tu in intregime si in realitate ? fiindca toti vor asta .. si rar nu se ajunge la o anarhie..
dar eu cred ca cei implicati in pen-friendishala nu prea stiu ce spun despre asta nici cand spun deci .. eu stop :))
totusi.. anumite laturi ale personalitatii chiar nu se pot manifesta pe strazi si in discutiile face to face .. deci vine compensarea.. :)
eu asa zic.. deci este doar semiaiurea.. iar o combinatie e chiar buna cred.
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