I have a lot of things to talk about now. I'm not sure how and why now, and how come I have so many ideas, scrambled, again. It's strange, but, then again, I don't pretend to be/write as a normal person.
I feel that what I'm mostly gonna talk about has to do with happiness. And love. And self...
Hey, I can do whatever I want. I am in control of my own life. I can do it. I am FREE. I am able. And I can, I have the will, the strength, the power. I will not be afraid. I will not surrender to others. I will be self-reliant. I will show myself that I can do it. I will only hesitate where my heart has doubts; but when it doesn't, I will pursue. And succeed. I will not let myself be persuaded by other people using reason solely. Reason is not a means to happiness. I will stand up and represent myself, for if not I, then who? Yes, I can change the world. Yes, I can change myself. I will listen to the sounds the leaves make while falling on the earth. I will listen. I will be there when you need me, and nowhere else. I can speak for myself. I can think, and my thinking has value. I am a human being, not a puppet - and as little as that might mean, it's the best I can be: a human being...
Each day we follow our own steps towards happiness... or so we might think. Just like me, there are others that think people do NOT, in fact, head for happiness. They might think they do... There's an article on CNN about this. Although not an exact view from my perspective, I found the article spoke about some important issues concerning happiness.
See, what we do is compromise ourselves in the quest for happiness. We don't even adventure much, so the word quest is not satisfied. Society shows us the wrong things! Happiness... where did we get the bright idea that to find happiness we should immitate the people around us? Are THEY happy? Truth is, we're not sure, for the most part, what happiness is. Just like society pushes us into the idea that a man with more than one woman is a "stud" or "macho", yet a woman with more men is a "slut" or "whore", so is the distorted image of happiness. Perhaps I exaggerate, perhaps not.
As the article says, you can only tell how happy you are at the exact moment you are asked - and even that with some trouble. Interested of happiness at a wider scale? Check out this article to find out which is the happiest country!
The meaning of all this is just to get you thinking. I'm not trying to persuade you, the reader, into anything. I'm ... pointing out. I'm just a piece of writing, as the blog-header says. What my point is: we compromise ourselves in order to come closer to happiness - don't we? We believe certain things, and we are not happy, so then leave those beliefs because they weren't "making us happy". Or, we see people that are happy and immitate them. Or even not know what happiness is. Or we are sad (we have every right to be) and then pick up on just anything to be happy.
I'm not saying "be careful", I'm saying... check your pulse, go to your heart - ask yourself, not others: are you happy? Figure it out. Talk about it, or hide it - your best way... but if you really look, I'm sure that some of the things you think about happiness are not really based on any truth, least of all a truth that you have experienced. Most people say: You will know happiness when it hits you. And I think that's true. So, in my opinion, if you don't know when it hit you - you've probably never been happy.
Jump to love. Here's a piece that I quickly wrote a couple of days ago:
I will love her all my life, no matter what happens. And, maybe, in a sense, for a first time, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS is as close to its true meaning as ever - EVERYTHING can happen, and I would still love her. And love will never hurt, not this love. Perhaps the longing, or the feeling of closeness and contempt - but LOVE, never! What hurts me - us - is not love. Love is not to blame for our have-nots.
The rest is... yet to come. But this will be a story someday, a story I hope to tell. For some reason, I feel I'm on a narrow path - sometimes on the edge, sometimes in the middle, safe - but narrow, working my way farther and farther away, praying, loving, hoping, living... Love.Hope.Faith. That's the trio!
Strangely enough, I feel like wishing good luck to all of you, all who are out there searching for that end of road, or for a spark that's missing... Probably has to do with happiness. It really is amazing, no, how we have evolved so much, yet happiness is not better known. At best it's not decreasing...
I have a story to tell. I hope, I pray, someday... I will be listend to. Until then, may all be well :)
Evelyn: Don't worry about 'why' when 'what' is right in front of you. (The Shape of Things)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happiness: just another proof of inertia?
11:00:00 PM
Label: Diary, Reaching out
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FERICIREA....hmm,nici nu mai stiu prin cate credinte despre fericire am trecut....acum insa cred altceva diferit;pe cat de straniu imi pare,pe atat de intens simt acum ca fericirea este de fapt cautarea fericirii.adica sentimentul acela care te face sa fii sigur ca exista si deci te deplasezi,you keep moving spre acel ceva(poti crede ca-i fericire..dar continui sa existi);
poate fericirea este gasirea sigurantei,iesirea din vid sufletesc si nu doar..
la unii functioneaza si ca imbold pentru inainte..dar nu si pentru mine..nu fericirea....
sa mai scrii despre fericire..ca sunt sigura ca mai ai multe de spus..
Exista fericire in cautarea a ceva... dar esti sigura ca in cautarea fericirii? Inteleg ce vrei sa zici, dar trebuie o anumita flexibilitate de limbaj ca sa spui fericirea e cautarea fericirii :)
pe langa asta, desi s-a stabilit ca oamenii cauta fericirea in viata, de principiu... gasesc ca ceea ce intalnesc pe drumul acela e satisfactie, bucurii, sau "mai fericit" ca inainte, dar ... nu fericirea.
Cand cautam ceva ne gandim si sa gasim.ceea ce e de gasit ne-ar placea sa fie pozitiv..am asociat acest ceva pozitiv cu fericirea simtita in momentul in care ai gasit (aici fericire neinsemnand ideal).
Si m-am gandit ca aceasta cautare imprima o stare de bine (cand cautam se mai spune ca evoluam,ne miscam,nu?)...m-am gandit ca ar trebui sa fii fericit pentru puterea de a cauta,adica de a supravietui.(la fel,fericirea nefiind un capat de drum intangibil)
Cam asta am vrut sa zic....stiu ca nu a mai zis-o cineva,dare eu cred ca ar putea fi si astfel..e o conceptie pana la urama..
Da. Tocmai, are alt sens "fericirea". Eu nu ma refeream la cel ideal, ca un capat de drum intangibil, ci la fericirea ca un fel de realizare. Daca o confundam cu implinirea atunci se atinge si nu e realizata prin ceea ce ne face fericiti, ci e insasi fericirea (o facem, nu e numai o stare).
Nu, n-ar trebui sa fii fericit pentru a putea sa cauti. Sau cel putin nu fericit ca o stare ce caracterizeaza individul, ci ca o stare temporala evanescenta, fffff scurta - atunci as putea spune ca inteleg la ce te referi.
Daca fericirea nu e confundata cu implinirea, atunci ar fi trecatoare, sau punct final. Nu cred ca se confunda, dar sunt f strans legate ca sa chinuim scindarea lor. Mai degraba as argumenta ca implinirii i se aplica ce zici tu. Fericirea e ceva ce contine mult mai mult, in conceptia mea, decat conceptia pe care tocmai ai spus-o.
Dar imi place :D.
da....esti tare idealist..imi amintesti de mine fara masca asta..
masca cui:D?
Sunt idealist in masura in care asta nu implica utopic. Destul de realist daca nu pui la o parte optimismul categoric.
Ce comunic e de obicei oglindirea a ce traiesc/observ.
....masca mea..de fapt e ceva care sa nu lase sa iasa la suprafata altceva..
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