Back to OneJ: I just remembered...
They are lying on the grass again. He, and she, and nobody else. It's dark. Julie and Martin.
M: I love water. Falling water, actually... I felt it again today. It's amazing how feminine it makes me feel: I wanted to kiss the water, to embrace it, to press it against me. I felt like I was not there, but somewhere else... You know, this was really the first day I realized I could feel like that in the shower.
J: It's quite a song water sings, everytime...
M: At one point, after minutes and minutes, I thought you must have showered in it too. Maybe not the same water, but... what if... and, even if not, water's everywhere. It was near you, I felt it; and I also felt close to you because of it... I felt that I could send you my love through the gentle flow, and it would travel oceans and clouds and be right next to you. All the time. Forever... I could've kissed something you touched, right then... I could fly then... and reach out to you...
J: Maybe that's why I like to take a bath, you know... surrounded by water everywhere, I'm... safe. And it's warm, and gentle, and slow... Water is slow and fast, don't you think so? And maybe you are there. I didn't realize...
M: Time was different; I could feel it passing by; so slowly... I turned my back from the shower (cap) and felt the water flowing on my back. And I thought what if you were surprising me, what if you jumped on my back right then. In the wet mirror in front I saw me, slow me... but I was moving so fast, and it was always with me... the water. The water falling... Water falls...
J: Waterfalls.
M: Waterfalls. Let's imagine...
J: A waterfall!
(She jumps straight up.)
J: Hey! I didn't scare you?
M: I know. Strange, isn't it? I'm naturally very scared, but not from you. You...
J: I... thought of something. I thought we should draw something together.
M: A waterfall?
J: Maybe...
M: Wow...
J: Hey, I just realized... that water can also kill. How can such a romantic existence do evil?
M: Maybe it's not evil... It doesn't kill by itself...
J: Yeah... yes! Kiss me!
M: You are my waterfall...
M: What color are you?
J: Does it matter?
M: Doesn't it?
J: I ... you.
M: ... you too...
J: Me too. You know what? I'm water! I wanna be water right now. Embrace me, like you did this morning, show me how you felt!
M: You are my waterfall... what if you're green?
J: I am greenish. I couldn't be green... I'm water!
M: This is your soul, my waterfall. And I can be right in the middle of it. L...
J: (slowly) O...
M: (slowly) V...
J: (slowly) E...
M: I want...
J: I WANT... you. But we are only human... and you cannot go through my soul.
M: L-O-V-E
J: But you can be water, and I can be water. And we can feel each other's gentle touch and soft embrace. And we can kiss the flow, and go with it...
J: And be together, in the middle of the water, falling.
M: Waterfall.
J: Waterfall!
M: Our waterfall! Hold me from holding you or hold me tight. As tight as you can, because you can't break me. I am water...
J: L-O-V-E
J: What color am I?
M: Does it matter?
J: Can water fall up?
M: It can evaporate... it can... be a cloud! Let's say it can fall up! I feel I'm falling up, so...
J: I know...
M: ... you
(silence)M: We can be any color...
J: ... you... too... too.
M: You are white. You are pure...
J: You are blue. You are clear...
M: You are red. You are passionate...
J: You are yellow. You are meditative...
M: You are green. You are natural...
J: You are black. Mysterious...
M: You are pink. Joyful...
J: You are purple. Peaceful...
M: Like the sunset... You are orange. Warm...
J: Like the sun... Brown. Huggable...
M: Like a tree... Tan. Delicate...
J: Like skin... Silver. Purifying...
M: You are my color...
J: You are my color...
M: What color are we?
J: Water. Water is our color...
M: We are a waterfall.
J: Water can fall up...
M: Our waterfall...
M&J: (together) Our waterfall!
J: Kiss me!
(silence)... the end
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Evelyn: Don't worry about 'why' when 'what' is right in front of you. (The Shape of Things)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
[Long story short] Two
10:52:00 PM
Label: Long story short
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chiar originala ideea...imi place.
mmmm...o apa care sa calatoreasca prin ocean (adica prin sine)si prin nori inseamna o apa care invaluie Totul(fara sa ascunda),o apa care exista in Tot.
ar putea fi insesi viata: "and it was always with me...the water".
poate ca nu lumea a fost mai intai ci poate ca lumea s-a construi pe sine dupa chipul si asemanarea apei... poate ca da.
sau poate nu.apa poate-i metafora iubirii,ceva ce cuprinzi ca sa intelegi.ceva in care te poti transfigura cu usurinta.
"i am water,you are water"deci "we are a waterfall!"
ce o fi atata mister cu apa asta? oare fiindca nu are chip al ei,fiindca e pura numai prin transparenta si e simpla?si e metafora perfecta pentru Tot?
adica tot=apa si apa=tot?
se cate se mai pot
numele personajelor au o semnificatie anume sau sunt intamplatoare?
Daca exista intamplator, sunt intamplatoare. Daca nu... au o semnificatie. Asa le-am ales.
si raspunsul ghicitorii,scris rasturnat intr-o paranteza,unde este?
Raspunsul depinde de ce crezi... crezi in intamplare sau nu?
cred in intamplarea numelor personajelor din scrieri.oricum,mersi pentru ca-mi oferi libertatea de a alege partea din adevar care imi convine mai mult.(desi m-ar fi interesat un raspuns masura intrebarii)
Adevarul clar e mai putin ca la orice poveste neplanificata, a fost pe moment.
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