And so it began...
- One -
"What if you were forced to relive the same day all over again, until you would finally do it right?", Martin asked himself."It would be like following a path... ", Julie said.
M: "You would think that a man knows when he does not 'follow the path', but, actually... he has no idea."
J: "Really? But didn't man, according to Christianity, take a bite from that tree... to discern between good and evil?"
M: "By the way, the biblical account of the creation of human beings occurs twice: in Genesis 1:26-27 and in Genesis 2:18-24. Did you know that, in the first account, the Hebrew common noun adam was used as a generic term for all human beings, regardless of gender; Eve was not mentioned at all; and, in the second account, Adam is created from the dust of the earth, whereas Eve is created from Adam's rib and given to him by God to be his wife?"
J: "So, in a way, we are all adams, aren't we?"
M: "All the same... to God. Just like grass is all the same to us..."
J: "I think, if I were to relive the same day over and over, I would become some sort of God, for that day. Not 'the' God, but a God."
M: "Exactly... just ask yourself: What if there were no tomorrow? Maybe that's how God sees things: one, and only one. No time, no space... just... a continuous TODAY. For us, time changes... and God is always the same, I believe. Don't you see how different we feel each day? Sometimes, I go to sleep extremely happy but wake up just... a tormented fellow; maybe I try to do some exercise, but I'm so not in the mood for anything. God, how much I wish there was one thing I could do every morning to wake up my mind and soul... to feel and think like I'm supposed to. And what's even more frustrating: if I don't sleep, I feel like I'm living a continuous day; yesterday's memories feel like today's, and I feel full ... of what exactly? I don't know."
J: "I love the feeling I have when I 'go back to my life' after a long chat like this. Sometimes I wish we could sit and talk more often, but then I think it might not be as wonderful if we did so... Why are we like this?"
M: "I think we need a repeating day every now and then - to figure out what the hell we're doing with ourselves. You think you know who you are, or what you do right and wrong... Turns out, you have no idea. That reminds me of Sartre. In his early philosophic work, Being and Nothingness, he conceived humans as beings who create their own world by rebelling against authority and by accepting personal responsibility for their actions, unaided by society, traditional morality, or religious faith. Distinguishing between human existence and the nonhuman world, he maintained that human existence is characterized by nothingness, that is, by the capacity to negate and rebel."
J: "Most philosophers since Plato have held that the highest ethical good is the same for everyone; insofar as one approaches moral perfection, one resembles other morally perfect individuals. The 19th-century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, who was the first writer to call himself existential, reacted against this tradition by insisting that the highest good for the individual is to find his or her own unique vocation. Doesn't that sound familiar to you? Isn't it, in a way, what we hear today? Too bad it was deformed so much since it was stated by Kierkegaard. As he wrote in his journal, 'I must find a truth that is true for me . . . the idea for which I can live or die.' Maybe it's because anyone to caught-up in an idea loses perspective upon things. As the french would say: "je m'en fiche". People get caught up... they lose perspective. Do they ever have it?"
M: "If man could just feel. Wake up and feel! Feeling feels so great... They, the 'modern human beings', say that there's too much information around them to care for everything. But... but... everything means something, everything brings something up. Nowadays people just walk by beggars, sometimes not feeling a thing. And, if they do... it's not anything unusual, they know the feeling, they know 'what it's like', it's no big deal... And to think that everything we see is a miracle... How many times would I repeat a day until it's perfect? It's pointless to say... a lot. Maybe a thousand, maybe a billion. And will I at least know what to do with my life every day from that day forward?"
J: "No... I don't think so; you'll still need a reminder every once in a while. Because people just can't learn, Martin, they just can't learn..."
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1 comment:
sa fie personajele intelectuali?
sa fie 2 oameni aparent banali,nescoliti si inculti dar carora li se ofera revelatia trecutului si astfel magia gandirii filozofice?
sa fie doi copii inteligenti si visatori care se abandoneaza in mijlocul minunatiilor naturii si intinsi pe iarba,cu ochii larg deschisi catre taramul tuturor posibilitatilor mintii si sufletului-cerul-se prind in jocul cuvintelor,imaginatiei,al pornirii de a cunoaste?
chiar ma intreb care va fi destinul personajelor acestora.
e o poveste ce trebuie continuata.
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