Chapter seven
Maybe I've been talking too much about love, right? Maybe t'is about time to speak of something else. Why do I value feelings so much? I mean, after all, there's so much to think about... You know, I've been planning hundreds of times of writing a novel, trying - neither desperately nor paciently - to reach that subject of a dream, that'd fit me and the public - people being such gluttons for science-fiction and american-style happy endings.
Sometimes it happens. I go back these lines and re-read my own writings, ones seem to be so puerile, nevertheless unforgetable among my other billion feelings kept between these pages. Then, when I feel somewhere between the present and the past, once present, allowing myself to condone the so profuse,exhilarating and profound illusion that my mind and heart can possibly conceive: the feeling I can do that, write something marvelous, grandiose and magnetic. Almost like Harry Potter, right? Ah, but let's leave dreams like that aside this time.
A curiosity inside our adolescent society is that there are irefutable times when people are in search for more dramma. It's like that song, ya know? Somehow, I didn't figure out why yet, many teenagers find themselves struggling with dozens of problems, very versatile and also potential illusions. As for myself, I am certan of one thing: I do not find it difficult to imagine an illusion in order to cover reality. There are, I must say, lesser times I did that by the minute, but, nevertheless, it did happen a couple of times and it may happen anytime I do not wish to confrunt something, either because I feel like it's not a confrontable subject, like, for example: the idea of death.
Let's stop for just a second and think through how ourselves might be found in this self-check-out. See, at this age everything's close to maximum: one's capacity to suffer, the speed and agility of your own mind, to say it in one word: endurance. We are tough and, for a few years coming, this will be the main advantage which this wonderful period of life presents. In general, my advice is for you to make use of this features, as you'll see that, while growing old, your abilities will considerably lower, most significant is the ease with which one reaches tiredness, mind and soul. This means that this is the age when you can do your best. Either by studying hard, playing sports, listening to your artistic side and follow sculpture, painting, writing, etc, or experience life, love, friendship, phylosophy. There's always something to do, that leads you upwards, and, unless another of these three main subjects disturbs you, you've got every drop of enegry and cell in your body focused on the task at hand.
"Thanks to" my lack of inspiration, I shall fill in the blanks with more quotes I discovered this summer.
"Native Americans were, and are, Homo sapiens sapiens. [...] The reluctance in accepting this obvious fact comes from the Eurocentric conviction that the West holds a monopoly on science, logic, and clear thinking. To admit that other, culturally divergent viewpoints are equally plausible is to cast doubt on the monolithic center of Judeo-Christian belief: that there is just one of everything - God, right way, truth - and Europeans alone knew what that was. [...] It is little wonder, therefore, that Native Americans were perceived not so much as they were, but as they had to be, from an European viewpoint."
I believe this, because, we have to admit, prejudices are easy to pass on from generation to generation, and, if anyone, religion and politics were the most common of the propaganda used so far. It made me sad to discover there are so so many untestified universally accepted truths being told to every human being in this world, most of them unleashed by powerful people, done so at their own interest.
"We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent we do not possess then for the fifteen talents we do possess."
This I agree with. It is not necessarily an universal truth, but it's in our human nature to desire being recognized even, sometimes especially, for something which we did not.
I believe that, as I grow up, my own tendency is to look at everything as possible, conceivable and try to understand and accept - not necessarily tolerate - everything taking place around myself. I think that when it comes to self-distinguishness and one's way of getting attention in a certain environment, the sentence above is unvanquished, invincible. As inconcievable as it may sound, I think that everything should be taken seriously and not seriously, simultaneously. The best results are usually achieved by considering both sides of the argument.
"Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in life." Jean Paul Richter
This is just so sweet! There's nothing more important to me, actually, when I or a friend of mine parts, that the final memory is one containing such loving words or actions.
"I happen to feel that the degree of a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic." Lisa Alther, Kinflicks, 1975
This is like my point with dual interpretation. I think that is enough for someone sufficiently intelligent.
"Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all." William Goldman, "The Princess Bride"
I saw this movie and I recommend it to you all, even if it's a bit more of a fairy-tale than a realistic story and many of you may find it boring or inconsistent. Either way, pay attention to some of the facts, because even from worst movies you can learn.
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Bertrand Russell
"If I had my life to live over... I'd dare to make more mistakes next time." Nadine Stair
These two are connected with the idea I want to express: live your life as yourself and do a little thinking before organizing your time. Do so according to your priorities in life and at the current time, for regrets are unwelcome and not so hard to avoid. Most of them are part of being yourself.
"Intimate relationships cannot substitute for a life plan. But to have any meaning or viability at all, a life plan must include intimate relationships." Harriet Lerner
I really don't have a life plan yet, but if I were to, in any case, I couldn't imagine one without my love standing aside me. At any time in the future, should I be alone, I'd know that I either had someone right for me, or will have. So ... while you're alone, do things for yourself and the people you care about, so that, when a person for you comes along, you'll have what it takes to thank him/her for the love he/she feels toward you.
"It is bad luck to be superstitious." Andrew W. Mathis
Just funny, nothing to comment.
" If the people who love you are many more than the people you love, it means that you hurt people more than they hurt you." - End of chapter seven
Evelyn: Don't worry about 'why' when 'what' is right in front of you. (The Shape of Things)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
[New story] "Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other."
12:47:00 PM
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Well, one thing is for sure: if someone is looking for great quotes, they can moste definitely rely on you or your works.
This last chapter is really interesting, cause it makes you, or, at least, this si the effect it had on me, dream; it made me wander away with my thoughts. But still, i don't think you could ever write too much about love ( unless you start repeating yourself, of course ); I mean, if u have imagination and you have feelings, there is always something new to say about it.
Anyway, I think this site is the first step towards a novel; I mean, with the commnets you will get for people, you can understand just what u need in order to actually start wrinting a bigger piece. And i don't think anything like Harry Potter will ever sound like your work, cause that is simple imagination, and it hasn't got that many deep thing inside.
Good point about teenagers, but I thinks we need drammas in our lives, in order to learn from them.
And you know what? I think is great you give advices, I mean, one has something to learn by reading what you wrote.
The quotes, I am not going to commnent, cause u did it well enough.
Cuvinte... ganduri... sentimente... Ce e mai minunat decat sa te privesti prin ele?Sa te reflecti in ceea ca ai fost si pari a deveni, dar niciodata vazand ceea ce esti, ci doar cautandu-te...e un mister sa te ai si totusi sa nu te vezi... si totusi e atat de simplu. Trebuie doar sa traiesti, si sa-ti spui asta in fiecare zi. After all, ne asteapta o lume mare dincolo de noi, dar care mai intai de toate ne asteapta pe noi.
Iubirea…o sa ne ia o vesnicie sa o dobandim asa cum in strafundul sufletului nostru ne dorim. Sa cugetam dar la frumusetea si bunatatea pe care ni le ofera iubirea, sa o chemam si sa o primim asa cum vrea ea sa ni se ofere…
Si poate ca povestea ta abia incepe…
“Ethica seu scito te ipsum”
Fiecare frantura pe care o scrii, te poate duce la crearea unui adevarat roman... Oamenii, chiar si adolescentii tre' sa fie luati asa cum sunt ei... Unii sunt mai dramatici, altii mai vesli, unii iubesc, altii nu.... De aceea exista viata... si odata cu ea, incercarile prin care treci... ele te ajuta sa devii un om in adevaratul sens al cuvantului... Ceea ce ai scris te ajuta sa te relaxezi, sa-ti pui gandurile intr-o anumita ordine si, de ce nu, sa ajungi sa cunosti viata cat mai bine pt tine... asa cum ai si zis intr-un paragraf... :)
Oricum, una peste alta, sfaturile date sunt bune pt oricine vrea sa le asculte si sa le inteleaga... cat despre comaratia cu Harry Potter, pot spune ca mai bine sa te compari pe tine cu tine insuti, fiidca tu esti tu, iar autoarea cartii Harry Potter ea este ea si atat...
Iubirea? Poate fi ea gasita vreodata? sau o cunoastem? stim ce inseamna?
Stim doar ca ne face extrem de fericiti, ca apoi sa ne intristeze. jocuri ale vietii.... sa testeze cine e pregatit sa inteleaga ce inseamna sa traiesti.... cine nu.... sa-si creeze o lume prorie.... mai putin dura sau frumoasa ca aceea reala......
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