Evelyn: Don't worry about 'why' when 'what' is right in front of you. (The Shape of Things)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

[The beggar] Part one

This is a scratch of a short story I'm about to write. It will make sense later, I promise. But if it makes you curious, let me know. Part two is to come in a few days...

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Behind the scenes!
Yesterday, my neighbor died. The official authorities said I can look around his home, and keep anything I would find, since there were no alive relatives found who could take care of the funeral and his left properties... not that there was much to be taken care of.
I went in. The air had the kind of "nobody's lived here for ages" smell. I could tell not even he lived here much. It was a flat. And his flat had only one room, except for the small bathroom. It was the only one of its kind in the building. I remember a long time ago, the owner decided to let him stay in this place - formerly the janitor's - for a small fee, since everyone living in this building were such clean working people.
I never knew much of this guy, but, when I came into his room, I had a strange sense I've been there before. In a past life, maybe? There was not much of it - it was not the common disorder, objects lying around, food, a fridge, not anything you'd expect to find in a home right after its inhabitant died. I looked around and saw a notebook. Nothing else caught my interest, so I thought that's the only thing I'll take, and leave.
I walked to the chair in front of me, where the notebook was, I took it, and then I turned around to leave...and I stopped after the first step, if I even got to take one; I stood there in amazement, at first. What I saw that moment changed my life, in a way. I decided to tell the owner I'd buy the place.

* * * Part one * * *

'I am here for you, I will always be', Andrew said. Just think about it: yesterday he wanted to go fishing, and he met this amazing girl on the way to the lake. How lucky! How would he have known an accident was about to happen on that lake? Will he had survived, then, if he had went? There was no way to know this, and he was aware of it. Besides, he had fallen in love now. There was no reason to ask any questions about the past - he should be happy.
'I mean, look at her', he thought. How lucky! She took his arms and put them around her waist, held him close and whispered: 'I will always be yours.'
Her name was Susan. She didn't even have a place to live until she met him.... After her father warned her, she wandered and found herself lying on this bench in the park. He found her sleeping, on his way to the lake, and she was covered in a thin layer of papers. The headline of one said "Major accident avoided at Point Place". She seemed to have had a rough time, judging by the look of her clothes - almost torn - and her expression.
She had just woken up, when she saw a boy passing by, wearing a funny hat. 'Hello, he said, are you alright?' Yes, she was, but she wanted to be held.
'Could you help me? I'm lost...'
'Sure. You're in Point Place Park, in Tringo. What can I do for you?'
'I need a place to stay, have you any idea where I can rent a room?', she said, dizzy with sleep.
'I have a sister, he said, she's living alone, closeby. Maybe she'll take you in, but you'll have to wash first', he smiled.
'Surely. Can you help me up and take me there?'
He didn't know who she was, or what she was doing there, but something told him she was nice. He wished he'd have a girl like that - with a soft voice, beautiful eyes, and that he could get away from his father's place. He decided to show her his sister's place. He felt a faint sense of admiration for how she were, alone in the park - he thought she was courageus. And she must have had an unusual time lately, to be where she was. He wished for something different in his life, too.

His sister was delighed to have someone to live with. They were both eighteen. Susan promised to get a job as soon as possible, and pay for her share of the rent, if they let her stay, of course.
Lilith decided to let her stay for a week, see how things were, and then talk about a longer period. Andrew thought it was a good idea.
Later that day, they heard an accident happened near the lake. Thank God he hadn't gone! Many people had died. Andrew and Lilith were really shocked.
'Let's go, I wanna see what happened' the sister said.
'Aren't you coming?' Andrew looked at the new girl.
'No. I know what it's about...'

He wanted to tell her he was grateful too. He wanted her to know how much she meant to him, and that she accidentally saved his life.
'It wasn't accidentally. Nothing ever is, in my life.' And she started crying...

And the story went on. Thus, in short time, she got a nice job, and contributed to the place a lot, his sister told him. And he would come to visit. He always asked her about the accident, but she did not want to talk. 'Not yet', she would say. 'Not until after I get some things done.'

A month after the accident she called him over.
'I have something very important to tell you. Listen to me, and then you'll tell me what we can do...'

After he heard the story he knew why she had that feeling when they met.
'I am here for you, I will always be', he said.


What do you think about this part of [The beggar]?
Love it, made me curious!
I'll probably wanna see what happens next.
I think you were too succint, the story seems rushed.
Vaguely interesting.
You haven't made me curious at all!
It's kind of silly. I don't like it...
A different answer: good opinion.
A different answer: bad opinion.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006


This is where all polls will go!

You are 58% the real you

The real youis showing and others can see that but you just need to push yourself that one step further into making and effort.Whether its being friendlier or happier.

Whats the real you?
Make a Quiz

I'm not straaaaaaaaaange :(
You Are 33% Strange!

You are very slightly strange. This means you are quite normal. You don't exactly freak out old grandmas or anything. You most likely fit in well with the crowd. Hey, it's okay, being normal ain't so bad.

How Strange Are You?
Quizzes for MySpace

You're 55% Nicknames Are

Smoochie Cuddlekins is your cute nickname, Cloud Razor T-shirt is your superhero nickname, Long Tooth Big Ears is your Villain nickname, Torn Apart Paper Yoyo is your Monster nickname and Hic-Up-Apple-Nod is your all-out-weird-nickname.

What Nickname Suits Your Personality
Make a Quiz

You are 69% horny!

You have a normal level of horniness and is about average and though u might think that ur a super horny creature, u'r actually not.
So enjoy it!

How horny are you?
Make a Quiz

what kind of relationship are you looking for
Your Result: i wanna love you forever

you are a person that is looking for love! deep passionate consuming love! your a hoppless romantic and love moonlit walks on the beach!YOU HEAR WEDDING BELLS

6 months of bliss

3 week fling

one night only

what kind of relationship are you looking for
Make a Quiz

Personality disorder test:
Paranoid Disorder:Low
Schizoid Disorder:Low
Schizotypal Disorder:Moderate
Antisocial Disorder:Low
Borderline Disorder:Low
Histrionic Disorder:Low
Narcissistic Disorder:Moderate
Avoidant Disorder:Low
Dependent Disorder:Low
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Low

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

What language(s) do you speak fluently, or at least ok?
Engleza (English)
Romana (Romanian)
Franceza (French)
Germana (Deutsch)
Spaniola (Spanish)
Italiana (Italian)
Chineza/Japoneza (Chinese/Japanese)
Rusa (Russian)
Alta limba latina (Other latin language)
Alta limba slava (Other kudos language - ex: Yugoslavia)
Alta limba africana (Other african language)
Alta limba Euroasiatica (Other Eurasian language)
Alta (Other)
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Will you still have dreams when you grow up (and if you are grown up, do you?) Dreams like what?
No, give me a break!
I can change the world!
I've always wanted to become a star (singing, TV shows, etc)
I'll be a scientist!
To feel - that's what today's world needs. I'm gonna be an artist.
My dreams are more realistic. I just wanna have a happy family and an acceptable job.
Live happy, in love, all my life...
Freedom is the way to happiness, really!
World peace!
I don't wanna grow up. My dream is to live my life the way it is - friends, family, lover.
I've always wanted to meet aliens (maybe even be kidnapped!).
The house of my dreams!
I wanna be a traveler and rediscover the whole world!
I dream of a perfect job...
I'll grow up to be Don Juan.
A secret agent suits me.
I wanna be a chef (food is good).
More than anything, I wanna work directly with people (psychologist, therapist, etc)
Subway driver. (aka chicken!)
Yes, but a different answer from those above.
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You can vote on this poll every once a week:

What do you think about this blog?
It's perfect, keep it up!
It needs more quotes!
I'm already gonna tell my friends about it!
You should improve your writing.
You're posting too often, wait for users to read a while longer...
I want posts more often!
I've seen better!
Free polls from Pollhost.com

You can vote on this poll every once a week:

Which of the following love quotes do you like best?
To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. - Anne-Sophie Swetchine
Perhaps the feelings that we experience when we are in love represent a normal state. Being in love shows a person who he should be. - Anton Chekhov
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. - Bertrand Russell
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott
Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. - Erica Jong
There is no remedy for love but to love more. - Henry David Thoreau
I don’t think anyone can DO anything that would make him worthy of love. Love is a gift and cannot be earned. It can only be given.-Real Live Preacher
To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. - Karen Sunde
Love isn't a decision. It's a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be much simpler, but much less magical. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Love is, above all else, the gift of oneself. - Jean Anouilh
Free polls from Pollhost.com

My true color is Blue!

What's Your True Color?

The above test inspired me for this poll:
(possibly I'll have some results for it too!)

Try to be honest: You are in the middle of the forest and have no idea which way is out. How do you feel? / What'll you probably do?
I'm scared and I'll stay hidden until someone finds me.
I'll yell out and run in the first direction I feel like. I don't care who hears, I want out!
Lemme get a rock and a stick and I'll live there with no problem!
I will use my scientific knowledge to develop a certain plan of finding my way out, using any available resource.
I don't care. I'll just walk around randomly.
I will pinch myself trying to wake up!
I'll make animal friends, like deer and possums and walk around talking to them (even though people may think I'm mad)
I would never be in a forest. I hate that place.
I'll dig down to China and hope I won't end up in another forest.
I shall learn the language of the wild and become a ferocious predator.
A different answer.
Free polls from Pollhost.com

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

[New story] "Cine sunt eu?" - Chapter ten

Intamplator un numar foarte potrivit pentru capitol.

In viata ta zilnica, nu te-ai ofticat vreodata ca va trebui sa muncesti pentru ceva ce nu urmaresti, neaparat? Chiar daca, sa zicem, pasiunea ta e fotografia, sau sportul, sau orice altceva, nu ti-ai dori ca ceea ce faci sa aduca un bine, cel pe care-l vrei, tie si altora?

[Atat din experienta proprie, cat si din a altora, am ajuns la concluzia ca fericirea nu se poate de unul singur (sau, daca se poate, atunci aduce a nebunie). Trebuie sa ai un scop, un obiectiv, pe care-l urmaresti, si care-ti aduce o senzatie de bucurie, implinire, etc.]

M-am nascut, ca si toti ceilalti, intr-o societate deja formata. Dar pe mine nu ma intreaba nimeni, atunci cand sunt in stare sa constientizez realitatea, daca sunt de acord cu ea. Se considera ca aceasta societate este cea corecta, in prezent, si astfel suntem obligati sa ne supunem regulilor.
Desigur, lucrurile au fost si mai rele, in sensul acestor libertati de alegere, dar nici democratia nu ia in considerare acest lucru. Rezumata, ea presupune ca un singur individ este egal cu zero, iar indivizii majoritati sunt totul, in ceea ce priveste o decizie, opinie, etc. Astfel, tot ceea ce pot face eu, ca fiinta umana, pentru a-mi accepta lumea si soarta asa cum sunt ele, date odata cu nasterea mea, este sa-mi exprim pozitia, sa-mi caut acordul cu lumea si sa-mi completez conceptia de viata si opiniile pe baza lumii in care traiesc. Sigur ca sunt anumite compromisuri, dar, in general, lucrurile decurg pana la o acceptare a societatii, si invers. Ceea ce-mi doresc sa fiu, si sa realizez, este intotdeauna o cale de mijloc intre cine sunt eu si cine este societatea. Sa gasesti ceea ce vrei sa faci in viata, (de exemplu sa fii mecanic de tren) nu este, in conceptia mea, suficient pentru a-ti justifica actiunea. Dorinta simpla, pasiunea pentru ceva anume, nu reprezinta argumentul suficient pentru a realiza ceva toata viata. Implinirea profesionala trebuie sa contina si scopul muncii tale. Astfel, daca iti spui ca faci ceva doar pentru ca iti place, e gresit. Telul trebuie sa includa si senzatia ca faci ceva bine, ca munca ta aduce roade, ca nu esti inutil. Asta, daca ai pretentii de la tine, bineinteles. Sunt si oameni care se multumesc cu efortul, pasiunea si banii. Dar, pentru cei care sunt in stare, viata presupune mult mai mult.

Multi oameni se gandesc "De ce atata munca, daca eu nu vreau asta?" "Daca as trai singur ar trebui sa muncesc mai putin, nu cat lucrez acum pentru atatia alti oameni!", dar nu este asa! De fapt, daca ai trai singur, sau doar cu familia, ar trebui sa muncesti mult mai mult ca sa ai fie si a zece mia parte din ceea ce ai acum. Deci nu te gandi ca societatea iti datoreaza ceva.
Pentru o atitudine pozitiva, gandeste-te ce poti aduce tu in plus comunitatii din care faci parte. Gandeste-te la ce nivel doresti sa lucrezi, cator oameni vrei sa le impartasesti opiniile tale, cati sa se bucure de gandirea ta si capacitatile tale. Daca nu constientizezi ca ceea ce faci trebuie sa fie important pentru tine, in primul rand, si pentru cei care doresti sa faca parte din asta, in al doilea rand, atunci esti un instrument, de care ceilalti se folosesc. Iar instrumentele sunt facute sa gandeasca numai anumite lucruri.

Cu siguranta ca multi uram anumite parti din realitatea politico-sociala a timpurilor noastre. Pentru cei care pot, consolidati-va o opinie si incercati sa o intariti, sa o impartasiti, sa discutati pro si contra-urile. Pentru toti, de ce realitatea este asa? Cum ati vrea sa fie? E corect, e echitabil asa cum ati vrea? Adunati cat mai multa experienta si intelegeti...

Eu sunt o persoana care doreste sa scrie ceva revolutionar si, simultan, cu aceasta ocazie sa cunosc si sa inteleg omul (ca sine, ca filozofie si viata, dorinte, etc.) <- Intr-o fraza atat de simpla, pare o banalitate, dar, in esenta, eu chiar umaresc sa fac acest lucru: sa inteleg si sa caut. Nu stiu ce opera va rezulta, dar stiu ca trebuie sa ridice intrebari in omul ca individ, sa-i trezeasca principiile morale si sa-i aduca un picior in realitate, si, in acelasi timp, sa fie cat mai generala, cat mai accesibila tuturor categoriilor de oameni. Cum deocamdata imi este peste putinta sa realizez asa ceva, dorinta ramane in dezvoltare. Pe langa asta, ma pasioneaza stiinta. De asemenea, imi doresc ca ceea ce voi lucra, in acest domeniu, sa nu-mi aduca doar satisfactia de a cunoaste si intelege lumea, ci si utilitate in lumea in care traim. Aici intervine o alta discutie...

Nu stiu cati au observat, dar discutia asupra stiintei, tehnologiei, se face pur material. Animalic, daca vrei. Asadar, problema morala a inventiilor, repercursiunile si corectitudinea lor, nu se prea iau in calcul. Intreaga viata a omului se rezuma in o serie de evenimente necesare, impuse de societate, si nediscutate ca principiu. Spre exemplu, se urmareste construirea de blocuri cat mai mari, sa incapa cat mai multi oameni pe planeta. Dar nu trebuie sa fie cat mai multi oameni! In primul si primul rand, trebuie sa ne respectam unii pe altii. Trebuie sa existe anumite limite ale libertatii, n-ai ce-i face! Nu poate face fiecare douazeci de copii, sa ne tot inmultim: ajungem sa sugem planeta de tot ce are, si este gresit. Nu suntem singurele vietuitare de pe ea, si nu suntem stapani peste viata in general, a universului.
Alaturi de asta, sunt multe altele. Pe scurt, se discuta prea mult problema efectelor superficiale si mai putin cea a efectelor indelungate, si profunde.

Cu toate acestea, eu imi doresc sa lucrez in stiinta pentru ca imi ofera o privire asupra realitatii, o capacitate de a ma descurca cu ea si o intelegere a intregului mediu inconjurator. De asemenea, ne poate ajuta in rezolvarea problemelor (mai ales ale mediului) pe care, pana la urma, tot oamenii le-au facut, prin stiinta. Joaca, distractia, pasiunea si placerea, nu sunt baza vietii si, cu toate ca toti urmarim sa fim fericiti, adevarata fericire nu vine pentru omul de unul singur. Cum au demonstrat atatia inaintea noastra, omul este o fiinta sociala: el nu poate exista de unul singur si sa fie fericit. Fericirea in sine este dependenta si de cel putin o a doua persoana. Orice alt tip de fericire este trecator. Oricat de mare este realizarea, tot ceea ce omul a inventat nu poate fi o implinire veridica, ci cel mult o iluzie.

Orice iti doresti sa faci poate fi util celor din jur, asa ca nu-ti formula scuza "dar ce sa fac, pasiunea mea nu e folositoare". Rezultatul practic, teoretic sau estetic al unei munci este utilitatea. Si acea utilitate trebuie sa faca parte din dorintele si multumirile tale, chiar si pentru o munca obisnuita, aparent neimportanta, de mecanic de tren, sau sofer de taxi, etc. Sigur, in primul rand trebuie sa-ti placa ceea ce faci, si in al doilea rand sa poti trai facand asta. In al treilea, trebuie sa simti ca efectele muncii tale inseamna o realizare, pentru tine.

Cine sunt eu? Eu sunt un om care cauta intelegere, cunoastere, iubire si toleranta, atat in mine cat si in ceilalti. Imi doresc ca ceea ce voi face in viata sa fie legat de stiinta, practica si filozofie; sa am parte de confruntari cu alti oameni si de experienta cu informatia. Poate par contradictorii cele trei, dar se inteleg foarte bine impreuna! Ca orice alta persoana, am nevoie de iubire, atentie si implinire. Eu iubesc fiinta umana, ca intreg, si admir functionarea ei. Incerc sa o inteleg si sa fiu cat mai aproape de orice suflet, si asta e foarte greu. Realitatea este departe de perfecta, dar exista, inca!, coltisoare din ea in care totul functioneaza asa cum trebuie. Speranta nu mi-o pierd, si cred ca voi reusi sa-mi duc pana la capat macar unul din visele mele...

M-am intrebat cum e cu banii. Trebuie neaparat sa existe? Eu privesc banii ca pe un mod de control. Pentru ca oamenii au feluri egoiste de a-si satisface dorintele, trebuie luata o masura de interzicere. Acestia sunt banii. Ai dreptul la ceva in schimbul altcuiva... Faptul ca sunt insuficienti si pentru strictul necesar e o greseala in mai multe state, dar, in principiu, asta este justificare existentei lui.

Acum, cand sunt in procesul de crestere, realizez ca viata de adult inseamna un dar in plus: darul de a fi deschis catre totul. Ceea ce nu putem face cand suntem copii, este sa renuntam la lucrurile de care suntem atasati, la opiniile noastre; pe scurt, suntem foarte ofticati cand cineva sau ceva nu ne e pe plac. Ca adult, in schimb, pot incerca sa adopt o atitudine deschisa catre orice opinie, pot sa realizez ca ceea ce conteaza viata este, in primul rand, prezenta celorlalti, si ca interiorizarea sau incapatanarea nu sunt obligatorii ca parte din mine. Starea de calm, pe care o promoveaza si religia buddhista, este cea mai benefica...

So, daca reusesc sa-mi continui evolutia, sper ca sa se bucure cat mai multi, si cu adevarat, de ceea ce voi reusi sa aduc, daca voi reusi ceva...

Despre viata... Care este sensul vietii? Studiile arata ca nu exista un sens anume, ca fiecare om trebuie sa gaseasca un sens si sa-l atribuie propriei sale vieti - End of Chapter ten

Sink into it! (expand)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

[New story] Chapter nine: La inceput de 2006 - Un inceput scurt

Totul incepe cu un impuls. Si se aduna, se mareste, se personalizeaza. Sper ca voi reusi sa scriu mai consistent cu timpul, si ca se va vedea curand... Capitolul asta e mai vechi (dupa cum scrie si in el).

"Impuls sa scriu" - Chapter nine

Nu am mai simtit de foarte mult timp un astfel de impuls sa scriu. Deunazi am avut senzatia minunata de a fi gasit ideea de roman, geniala. Am inceput sa le stochez undeva in speranta ca in viitor, candva, voi avea puterea sufleteasca sa le dezvolt.
Stii cum e atunci cand simti o idee... Ca-n "Jocul ielelor" de Camil Petrescu. Simti tot ce are legatura cu ideea, ta patrunde o stare... o senzatie... profunda... ca un fel de preludiu in intampinarea sentimentului de implinire. O senzatie pe care o port in mine si zilele ulterioare.

A trecut anul 2005. A inceput un nou an, si ma gandesc... la cel vechi. Cum a fost? Ce-am facut? Mi-am dorit mai mult de la mine, in mod cert. Pentru ca sa se intampla mereu, si e deja normal pentru mine. Dar nu sunt vreodata dezamagit daca am realizat sub ceea ce mi-am propus, atata timp cat ceea ce am realizat m-a umplut de satisfactie.
Anul acesta am invatat sa simt din nou, puternic.
Mi-am adus aminte cum e sa fii copil.
Am invatat ce inseamna responsabilitatea, cat de cat.
Am trecut prin sentimente de frica si spaima, mai ales cu aplicatiile la facultatile americane si in relatiile cu cei dragi.
Dar, cumva, totul a fost la o persoana I-III. Asa ca am simtit tot negativul mai domol, nu m-a durut asa de tare precum ma asteptam... parca nu eram eu! Ca si cum nu eu as trai in pielea mea... Vorba domnului profesor de filozofie: stiu ca oricand pot sa scap, chiar daca singura iesire e propria moarte.
Desi pare o prostie, ideea in sine iti da curaj, chiar daca nu ai duce-o la capat niciodata (ca in cazul meu... dar sa nu spuneti dusmanilor asta).

Deja, de la capitol la capitol, tind sa abordez din ce in ce mai putin personal subiectul iubire. Si am inteles in sfarsit cam de ce... De mic mi-am dorit sa inteleg oamenii, sa pot sa simt ce gandesc ei, si sa gandesc ce simt, si invers. Sunt departe de a intelege totul, nu se va intampla asta niciodata (si nici nu am ambitia sa se intample), insa nu voi refuza sa acumulez informatie atunci cand simt ca pot sa ma dedic acestei pasiuni. Si atunci, in ultimul an, am invatat foarte mult despre iubire... Dar vreau sa zic o chestie: domne nu mai fiti asa suparaciosi toti, domne! Gata, deja ne apropiem de (sau departam de) 18 ani toti, nu mai avem de ce sa ne ofticam asa pe orice chestie o face un amic, sa ne afecteze totul. Prietenii sunt langa noi atunci cand avem nevoie de ei si cand au ei nevoie de noi. Restul este timp placut impreuna, si presupun ca daca sunteti prieteni va intelegeti suficient de bine cat sa nu va certati din prostioare.

"It is not enough to aim; you must hit." - Italian Proverb

"Train up a fig tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade of it." - Charles Dickens

"A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business. He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check. He should ask each morning, am I prepared to lift-off?" - Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, All is Vanity, 1991

"Each decision we make, each action we take, is born out of an intention." - Sharon Salzberg, O Magazine, The Power of Intention, January 2004

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) German Composer, Organist

"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time." - Anna Freud

"The ancient Greek definition of happiness was the full use of your powers along lines of excellence." - John F. Kennedy
Iote presedinte, nu ca Bush!

"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable." - Mark Twain

"The only way to entertain some folks is to listen to them." - Kin Hubbard

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise." - Robert Fritz

"Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don't." - Brett Butler, 'Knee Deep in Paradise'

"The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever." - Herb Caen

"The path to youth takes a whole life. [El camino de la juventud lleva toda una vida.]" - Pablo Picasso

"Pleasure is a by-product of doing something that is worth doing. Therefore, do not seek pleasure as such. Pleasure comes of seeking something else, and comes by the way." - A. Lawrence Lowell - End of Chapter nine

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[HA] To transform you

I read this and I found it interesting. I know that, although many of us work and think amazingly well under circumstances unusual for the others, some of these steps mentioned here provide a good point for looking into ourselves and understanding what is it we are after, and how to get it:

"You attract not what you want but what you are." -- Brian Tracy

The Top 10 Steps for Success and Fulfillment

Break through your blocks, unleash your potential, find peace of mind and freedom, and make a difference by using these top keys for success and fulfillment. If you're really serious about change, follow these 10 key steps:

1) Develop personal discipline - It takes discipline -- commitment, effort and time -- to learn and grow and change. We often know what is best for us, but then stay with old ways because they are familiar. Change requires that we pass through a stage of discomfort until we adjust to new ways of being. Learn to focus your mind and your time on your goals, and to persevere until you succeed. Master willpower and you can master anything.

2) Master time management principles - Get the very most from your time. Continually evaluate whether what you are doing serves your greatest purpose. Value your time and your life as priceless commodities. Own your power to live your life your way.

3) Tap the power of daily journaling - All you need to know -- all the answers and the wisdom you could ever need -- lies within you. And journaling offers the best tool to access that wisdom.

4) Set meaningful goals - Goals help us identify what we want, set priorities, create action plans and attain results. As you plot targets and achieve them, you will take control of your life. Your self-esteem, happiness and fulfillment will grow. Success breeds success.

5) Stimulate your creativity to expand your options - Every mind is creative. All you need is the training and practice to get your mind working in new and different ways. With enhanced creativity, you will solve problems faster and more easily, and have more fun doing it!

6) Develop your awareness and intuition - When we depend solely on rational thinking, we lose access to a valid and highly valuable source of knowledge within us -- our intuition. With simple awareness exercises, you can significantly expand the information available to you for improved decision-making. You can work through the blocks and connect with imagination and inspiration.

7) Empty your mind regularly - Only when you have a quiet mind can you truly be stress-free, creative and intuitive. With rest and recreation, you can let go of worldly pressures and connect with the essence of who you are. Practice meditation or periods of relaxation daily. Do not compromise your holidays. Allow your mind to take a break.

8) Know your life purpose - As we align with our life purpose and unlock our inner power, life becomes easier and more meaningful. We become more focused and energetic, and we attract synchronicities and gifts of abundance that help us fulfill our mission.

9) Track your growth and success - It's so easy to get caught in busyness, doing what's urgent rather than what's important. Tracking tools help you focus on what's most important. They offer measuring sticks so you can monitor your growth and successes. With this regular discipline, each year will just keep getting better!

10) Accept yourself fully - It's only when we truly accept who we are right now that we can change. Why do you want change? If it's because you think you aren't good enough now, this lack of self-worth will undermine your efforts to grow and achieve success. Love who you are, with all of your strengths and weaknesses. This gives you a solid foundation to make your life even better! You will turn your dreams into reality!

"As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

[HA] Another journey inside...

You know the website (check previous posts marked . I cut out these fragments:

Know your motives

"As long as one keeps searching, the answers come."
-- Joan Baez
Why? Why? Why?
Asking ourselves 'why?' helps us delve deeply into our main motives -- why we do what we do. This process helps us go deeper into our reasoning, habits and unconscious beliefs. Once we become aware of our underlying motives, we can choose to change them, if we wish.
Regularly ask yourself, "Why am I ...?" Listen closely for the answer that surfaces in your mind, and write it down. Now look at your answer and ask why again. Continue with this process to reach the true source of your motivation.
"Men are more accountable for their motives, than for anything else ...."
-- Archibald Alexander

Labels limit us

"When I let go of what I am,
I become what I might be."
-- Lao Tzu
How do you define yourself, to yourself and others? Are you first and foremost a husband/wife? A mother/father? A bus driver, dentist, musician ... ? A Christian, Moslem, Jew ...? A nag, joker, dreamer ...?
Be aware that any label puts limits on you. Today, experience how it feels to let go of the labels to rest in ‘I am.’ Feel the freedom, the spaciousness, the infinite potential of simply being.
"With every breath, the possibility of a new aspect of self arises."
-- Wayne Muller
"As long as I am this or that, I am not all things."
-- Meister Eckhart

What is your life purpose?

"Having a purpose is the difference between
making a living and making a life."
-- Tom Thiss

Why are you here?

Few of us clearly know our life purpose. But if we watch how our lives unfold, and if we know what questions to ask ourselves, we can begin to understand why we are here.

Our purpose reflects:

  • What we naturally DO best in life - the gifts, talents and skills our personality has to offer the world.
  • How we aspire to BE in life - the qualities of our authentic self.

Knowing our life purpose and fully living it brings much meaning and fulfillment into our lives. When we consciously align with our deepest reasons for being, we tap into rich reserves of energy, personal power and passion. Our lives begin to flow in new and delightful ways.

"Here is a test to find whether your mission on life is finished: if you are alive, it isn't." -- Richard Bach"One must not always think so much about what one should do, but rather what one should be. Our works do not ennoble us; but we must ennoble our works." -- Meister Eckhart

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

[HA] Fragments about a happy perfect life...

Although these beliefs stated here are slightly different from my own, I hope you will think carefully about the truths stated.
Since the website I'm quoting promotes it's courses, and I do not wish to entice you into that, I have included here just some fragments I found interesting. Here they are:

All is mind

"I want to know the thoughts of God; the rest are details."
-- Albert Einstein

Everything -- absolutely everything -- that happens in our lives has a spiritual cause. Events on all other levels -- mental, emotional and physical -- are only effects.

When we are struggling with any challenge, whether it be ill health, a lack of money, a lost job, poor relationships, an accident, whatever -- we need to look for the spiritual learning. We can ask ourselves, "What quality does my soul want me to live more fully?"

"If you start to think the problem is ‘out there,’ stop yourself. That thought is the problem."
-- Stephen Covey

Embrace the positive and negative in wholeness

"Only when we can love hell will we find heaven."
-- Unknown source

People often view the spiritual path as a search for the light. In truth, spirituality asks us to bring light and darkness together in wholeness. And in fact, this is the only possible solution. In our world of duality, any effort to focus all attention on the light only serves to increase the power of the darkness. Our aim is not to deny or reject anything but to embrace it all.

"When you are able to contain both the light and dark together, that is a very enlightening state. It means that you no longer have to choose one experience over another. You do not have to choose love OR hate, blame OR forgiveness, sadness OR joy, anger OR openheartedness. You are no longer polarized; no particular feeling boxes you in and keeps you from the light of true self. You then have access to the full range of human experiences you came into this life to embrace."
-- Martia Nelson

"Opening our hearts to the mystery and meaning
of our suffering can bring us into God's presence.
Be grateful for this opportunity." -- Mark Rosen

A spiritual approach to healing life's problems

The challenges we meet in life hold the power to open us to higher consciousness. Every block is there to help us let go of the personal, limited viewpoint of our personality and open to the impersonal, unlimited glory of our soul.

Life becomes both meaningful and joyful when we know the greater truth of who we are. And like it or not, going beyond positive thinking and working through problems is the only path to meaning, fulfillment and spiritual growth.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

[HA] "This is the time of your life.How are you spending it?"

Attention: This is not my original creation. This fragment has been selected from http://www.higherawareness.com/time-management-skills.shtml

-> Spend time with your soul

"Be mindful of how you approach time. Watching the clock is not the same as watching the sun rise."
-- Sophia Bedford-Pierce
What would your soul consider a waste of time?
To a soul, the only real time is right NOW. Not the future or the past. It lives in connecting deeply with the rich experience of each moment. Through awareness we can be in touch with our authentic self and how it perceives all of the energies and guidance around and within us.
"Chronos is clocks, deadlines, watches, calendars, agendas, planners, schedules, beepers. Chronos is time at her worst. Chronos keeps track. ...Chronos is the world's time. Kairos is transcendence, infinity, reverence, joy, passion, love, the Sacred. Kairos is intimacy with the Real. Kairos is time at her best. ...Kairos is Spirit's time. We exist in chronos. We long for kairos. That's our duality. Chronos requires speed so that it won't be wasted. Kairos requires space so that it might be savored. We do in chronos. In kairos we're allowed to be ... It takes only a moment to cross over from chronos into kairos, but it does take a moment. All that kairos asks is our willingness to stop running long enough to hear the music of the spheres."
-- Sarah Ban Breathnach
"He who postpones the hour of living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses."
-- Horace
Build a new relationship with the time of your life. Experience time from different perspectives. Discover how to do life rather than allow life to do you.

"Time is life. It is irreversible and irreplaceable. To waste your time is to waste your life, but to master your time is to master your life and make the most of it." -- Alan Lakein

How much do you value your life?

  • Do you treasure each day?
  • Or do you allow each new day to come and go, a carbon copy of the one before, basically unnoticed, unappreciated and under-used?

"Until you value yourself, you will not value your time.
Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it."
-- M. Scott Peck

Many of us feel used by life. We feel victimized and resentful of all that we think we must do. We don't have to feel this way. If we really want, we can choose to shift our perspective. And shifting our perspective will help us do things differently.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

"Cuvinte intelepte - Quote(s) of the day"

Aici poti pune ceva din suflet (al tau sau al celorlalti), orice citat si orice fraza care inseamna ceva mai mult decat simple cuvinte, pentru tine. Eu am sa pun unul in fiecare zi...

"Trebuie sa faci intotdeauna ceva. Cand crezi cu adevarat in ceva, trebuie sa actionezi. A te multumi sa vorbesti despre actiune este ca si cum te-ai lauda dinainte cu tablourile pe care ai de gand sa le pictezi. E de cel mai ingrozitor prost gust." - John Fowles - Colectionarul. Un indemn care sper sa te motiveze sa-ti lasi amprenta aici...

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Monday, April 03, 2006

(RO&EN) "Dictionar de Eliberare" (Dictionary of Free Expression) - sau cum a spus cineva "al Incoerentei"

This is a dictionary. One of ideas that can cross our minds yet have no apparent connection to anything, logical or rational. Feel free to express/define any term in your opinion...
Sau ca sa citez pe cineva: "idei care trec prin minte si n-au legatura cu nimic, definitii de cuvinte, orice - asa, ca o scapare de logica".

Incep eu:

alb = Visez sau traiesc? Ma ridic sau cobor? Nu conteaza, sunt inconjurat. Sunt acum, aici, si vad totul... si totul e alb. Alb si frumos, si plin de tot. Alb este fiorul acestei lumi, care o cuprinde in toata intunecimea ei... si "fara speranta" nu va exista niciodata, pentru ca exista alb!

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

"Daca iti plac citatele..." - O serie de cuvinte care te pot inspira (a large collection of quotes)

"To make pleasures pleasant, shorten them." - Charles Buxton

"People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar." - Thich Nhat Hanh

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin

"God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages." - Jacques Deval, Afin de vivre bel et bien

"The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well." - Horace Walpole

"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine

"Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together." - George Christoph Lichtenberg

"In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears.
Things are not only what they are. They are, in very important respects, what they seem to be." - Hubert H. Humphrey

"Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." - Wilson Mizner

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." - Akira Kurosawa

"The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none." - Thomas Carlyle

"Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad." - Norm Papernick

"Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." - Helen Keller

"To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive." - Robert Louis Stevenson

"I don’t think anyone can DO anything that would make him worthy of love. Love is a gift and cannot be earned. It can only be given." - Real Live Preacher, RealLivePreacher.com Weblog, January 20, 2003

"To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all." - Peter McWilliams, Life 101

"We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know." - W. H. Auden

"It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose." - Darrin Weinberg

"If I could be any part of you, I’d be your tears. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips." - Unknown

"Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only for wallowing in." - Katherine Mansfield

"Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within." - Franz Kafka

"Regret for wasted time is more wasted time." - Mason Cooley, O Magazine, April 2004

"In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite." - Paul Dirac

"Take away the miseries and you take away some folks' reason for living." - Toni Cade Bambara

"If our early lessons of acceptance were as successful as our early lessons of anger, how much happier we would all be." - Peter McWilliams, Life 101

"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better." - Laurie Anderson

"We think in generalities, but we live in detail." - Alfred North Whitehead

"You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again." - Bonnie Prudden

"When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously." - Shakti Gawain

"Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there." - Mickey Friedman

"Why do we close our eyes when we dream, kiss and imagine? Because the best things are unseen!" - Unknown

"Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it." - Christopher Morley

"When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision." - Lord Falkland

"All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income." - Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912

"Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough." - George Bernard Shaw

"If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone. A man should keep his friendships in constant repair." - Samuel Johnson

"You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." - John Wooden

"Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare." - Harriet Martineau

"People who have what they want are fond of telling people who haven't what they want that they really don't want it." - Ogden Nash

"Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place." - Abigail Van Buren, 1978

"You have to allow a certain amount of time in which you are doing nothing in order to have things occur to you, to let your mind think." - Mortimer Adler

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious." - Brendan Gill

"Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it." - Gordon R. Dickson

"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine." - Fritz Perls

"If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going." - Professor Irwin Corey

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"

"The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary." - Vidal Sassoon

"If your parents never had children, chances are you won't, either." - Dick Cavett

"Calamities are of two kinds: misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

"Tears may be dried up, but the heart - never." - Marguerite de Valois

"Be life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for." - David Starr Jordan

"Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it." - James A. Garfield

"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is." - Erich Fromm

"The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question." - Stephen Jay Gould

"You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet." - Franz Kafka

"Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two." - Captain Corelli's Mandolin

"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed." - Alexander Pope, Letter to Gay, October 6, 1727

"That consciousness is everything and that all things begin with a thought. That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure." - Madonna, O Magazine, January 2004

"To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult." - Plutarch

"I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." - Freya Madeline Stark

"We all carry around so much pain in our hearts. Love and pain and beauty. They all seem to go together like one little tidy confusing package. It's a messy business, life. It's hard to figure--full of surprises. Some good. Some bad." - Henry Bromel, Northern Exposure, The Big Kiss, 1991

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods." - Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics

"If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm." - Bruce Barton

"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson

"Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim." - George Santayana, Life of Reason (1905) vol. 1, Introduction

"We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else." - Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1967)

"About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends." - Herbert Hoover

"A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all." - Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, section 41

O mare parte din a nu uita cine suntem cand suntem mici implica partea aceea a gandirii. Atunci cand traim, de zi cu zi, ne indreptam fara sa ne dam seama catre ceva, un ceva care nu mai este ceea ce am fost. Ceea ce suntem la origine, dpdv al conceptiilor, este de o puritate si o deschidere catre orice experienta de nedescris. Insa, in loc sa ne indreptam spre ceea ce ne-am nascut sa fim, cautam sa ne uitam inainte, in spre viitor. De fapt, cine suntem nu se poate schimba si, eu cred, daca te indepartezi de cine ai fost atunci cand ai fost nascut, nu vei fi fericit. Secretul fericirii adevarate (adica nu cea din iluzie) este apropierea de sine, intelegerea de sine. Dragostea pentru sine si aprecierea pentru valorile tale. Daca stau sa ma gandesc, ceea ce ma face pe mine eu... este faptul ca pot sa privesc orice cu bucurie, cu veselie. Pot sa simt ceea ce simt altii. Cand eram mic sufeream cand sufereau cei din jurul meu... si multi facem asta. Tot ce suntem cand suntem mici e aproape de ideal... iar gandirea, conceptia de viata, totul deriva de acolo. Poate pare greu de crezut... dar e foarte posibil si probabil.

"After all it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life." - Evelyn Underhill

"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of." - Blaise Pascal

"It is folly to punish your neighbor by fire when you live next door." - Publilius Syrus

"You don't have to die in order to make a living." - Lynn Johnston, For Better or For Worse, 10-14-05

"What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public; ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public."

"Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly." - Epictetus

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." - Mark Twain

"You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty." - Cecil Baxter

"The universe may have a purpose, but nothing we know suggests that, if so, this purpose has any similarity to ours." - Bertrand Russell

"In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others." - Andre Maurois

"Most people love you for who you pretend to be... to keep their love, you keep pretending--performing. You get to love your pretense... it's true, we're locked in an image, an act.
And, the sad thing is, people get so used to their image--they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And, if you try to remind them, they hate you for it. They feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession." - James Douglas Morrison, lead singer of the Doors

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Something to think about: Happiness"

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm Forbes, in Forbes Magazine - Chapter 8+1/2

"Merita osteneala s-o conving sa se intoarca la mine? S-o implor, sa cersesc inca o sansa in casatoria noastra?
Asta mi se pare ridicol: mai bine sufar cum am mai suferit, cand alte femei pe care le-am iubit m-au parasit. Mai bine sa-mi ling ranile, cum am mai facut-o cu alte ocazii. O sa ma mai gandesc o vreme la ea, o sa devin trist, o sa-mi irit prietenii vorbind numai despre plecarea nevesti-mii. O sa incerc sa gasesc justificarei pentru tot ce s-a intamplat, o sa-mi petrec zile si nopti revazand fiecare clipa traita alaturi de ea si voi sfarsi prin a trage concluzia ca a fost dura cu mine, tocmai cu mine, care totdeauna am incercat sa fiu si sa fac tot ce e mai bine. O sa cunosc alte femei. Cand o sa merg pe strada, in fiecare clipa o sa ma intalnesc cu cineva care poate fi ea. O sa sufar zi si noapte, noapte si zi. Asta poate dura saptamani, luni, poate mai mult de un an.
Pana intr-o dimineata cand o sa ma trezesc dandu-mi seama ca ma gandesc la altceva si o sa inteleg ca partea cea mai rea a trecut. Inima mi-e zdrobita dar se face bine si reuseste din nou sa se bucure de frumusetea vietii. S-a mai intamplat asta, si se va mai intampla, sunt sigur. Cand cineva pleaca, altcineva soseste - asa imi voi gasi o noua dragoste.
Vreau sa imi impun convingerea ca e mai bine sa fiu liber. Liber din nou. Pregatit sa intalnesc iubirea adevarata a vietii mele, aceea care ma asteapta si care niciodata nu ma va face sa retraiesc situatia umilitoare de acum."

Viata lui:
"Si-mi continui cautarile amoroase, continui sa scriu texte pentru muzica. Iar cand cineva ma intreaba ce fac, raspund ca sunt scriitor. Daca-mi spune ca n-a auzit decat de textele mele pentru cantece, ii spun ca asta e numai o parte a muncii mele. Si daca isi cere scuze ca nu mi-a citit nici o carte, ii spun ca lucrez la un proiect, sau ca este o minciuna. In realitate am bani, am relatii, ce nu am este curajul de a scrie o carte, care-i visul meu, inca posibil. Daca as incerca si as esua, nu stiu cum ar fi restul vietii mele: de aceea, mai bine traiesc gandindu-ma la un vis decat sa infrun posibilitatea de a-l vedea naruit."
Suna absurd? Dar e atat de real incat nu-ti vine sa crezi. Nici mie nu-mi vine, de cele mai multe ori. Acum, spre exemplu, sunt multumit de viata mea. Dar omul nu e multumit de sine niciodata pentru prea mult timp. Fericirea absoluta nu poate fi monotona: ea are nevoie de schimbare. Schimbarea nu se poate petrece in interior si atat, e artificial si riscant (poate duce la nebunie). Drept urmare, niciodata nu poti fi fericit singur: ai nevoie de cineva, sau de ceva. Ceva de obicei e o pasiune foarte profunda, suficient de profunda incat sa acapareze timpul, viata si fericirea ta. Cineva, la fel: perechea, fara sa devina monotona, fara sa te plictisesti alaturi de el/ea (Sustin ca, oricat de perfect ar fi un cuplu, e in regula sa existe momente de plictiseala, tristete, sau, in sfarsit, in general: nefericire, cand sunt impreuna. De ce? Pentru ca omul nu stie sa se bucure de fericire 100%, decat in cazuri exceptionale. De aceea, cand nu suntem fericiti alaturi de cineva sau ceva, trebuie sa evaluam in primul rand daca e vina noastra, inainte sa ne gandim la o schimbare a obiectivului.)
Cu cat mai devreme iti dedici sufletul unei pasiuni (patimase sau nu, desi, daca se poate, ar fi mult mai bine sa nu fie patimasa) cu atat viata avanseaza mai mult cum iti doresti. Daca actionezi conform cu ceea ce iti doresti, ai destula energie cat sa actionezi in continuare, indiferent de rezultate. Deci, sfatul meu, urmeaza-ti dorintele!

"- Ce nu merge in viata ta?
- Tocmai asta e. Am de toate, dar sunt nefericita. Nu sunt singura: de-a lungul anilor, am intervievat tot felul de oameni: bogati, saraci, puternici, care traiau bines au nu. Si in ochii tuturor am citit o amaraciune infinita. O tristete care nici macar nu era recunoscuta, dar era acolo, indiferent ce spuneau. Ma asculti?
- Te ascult. Ma gandesc. Si dupa tine, nimeni nu este fericit?
- Unii par fericiti: pur si simplu nu se gandesc la asta. Altii fac planuri: o sa am un sot, o casa in oras, doi copii, o casa la tara. Cat timp sunt ocupati, sunt ca taurii in cautarea toreadorului, reactioneaza instinctiv, o dau in bara, nu nimeresc nici o tinta. Reusesc sa-si ia o masina, uneori chiar un Ferrari, si cred ca sensul vietii sta in asta, asa ca niciodata nu se intreaba nimic. Dar in ciuda tuturor acestor lucruri, in ochi li se citeste o tristete despre care nu stiu nici ei cat le impovareaza sufletul. Tu esti fericit?
- Nu stiu.
- Nu stiu daca chiar toata lumea e nefericita. Stiu ca oamenii sunt tot timpul ocupati: munesc peste program, au grija de copii, de sot, de cariera, de titluri universitare, de ce vor face maine, de ce trebuie sa cumpere, de ce au nevoie ca sa nu ramana mai prejos etc. In sfarsit, putini mi-au spus: "Sunt nefericit". Cei mai multi spun: "sunt foarte bine, am reusit tot ce mi-am dorit". Si atunci ii intreb: "Ce va face fericit?" Raspuns: "Am tot ce-si poate dori un om - familie, casa, munca mea, sanatate." Intreb iarasi: "V-ati oprit vreo clipa sa va ganditi daca asta inseamna totul in viata?". Raspuns: "Da, asta e tot." Insist: "Atunci, sensul vietii e munca, familia, copii care vor creste si va vor parasi, sotul sau sotia care vor deveni mai degraba prieteni decat iubiti adevarati. Chiar si munca se va sfarsi intr-o zi. Ce veti face cand se vor intampla toate astea?" Raspuns: nu exista raspuns. Schimba vorba.
Pe strada asta pe unde mergem acum, pot sa pun pariu ca toti cei pe care ii vezi simt acelasi lucru. Femeia eleganta ce tocmai a trecut incearca zilnic sa opreasca timpul, sta cu ochii pe cantar sa-si controleze greutatea, crede ca de asta depinde dragostea. Ia uita-te pe partea cealalta: o familie cuy doi tanci. Traiesc momente de fericire intensa cand ies sa se plimbe cu copii, dar in acelasi timp subconstientul nu inceteaza sa-i terorizeze: se gandesc ca si-ar putea pierde serviciul, ca s-ar putea imbolnavi sau ca unul dintre copii ar putea fi calcat de o masina. Cand incearca sa nu se mai gandeasca, vor sa gaseasca si un mod de a se elibera de tragedii, de a se proteja de lume.
- ... Insa le lipseste curajul de a-si urma visele si semnele. E posibil ca tristetea de aici sa se traga?
- Nu stiu. Si nu o sa spun acum ca sunt nefericita tot timpul. Ma distrez, te iubesc, ador munca pe care o fac. Dar din cand in cand simt tristetea aceasta adanca, uneori amestecata cu vinovatia sau cu frica: senzatia trece, revine mai tarziu, apoi trece iar."
Oamenii traiesc in iluzie si realitate in acelasi timp. Sunt usor manipulabili, uita ceea ce vor sa uite, se pot desprinde de adevar foarte usor. Care e adevarul, insa?
Oamenii il inteleg pe aproapele lor de multe ori. Dar dintre acestia, foarte putini abordeaza ceea ce inteleg astfel incat rezultatul sa fie cel dorit. E mai greu sa arati ce stii decat sa stii.

"The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated." - Oscar Wilde, "The Remarkable Rocket" - End of Chapter 8+1/2

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