Evelyn: Don't worry about 'why' when 'what' is right in front of you. (The Shape of Things)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

[HA] Fragments about a happy perfect life...

Although these beliefs stated here are slightly different from my own, I hope you will think carefully about the truths stated.
Since the website I'm quoting promotes it's courses, and I do not wish to entice you into that, I have included here just some fragments I found interesting. Here they are:

All is mind

"I want to know the thoughts of God; the rest are details."
-- Albert Einstein

Everything -- absolutely everything -- that happens in our lives has a spiritual cause. Events on all other levels -- mental, emotional and physical -- are only effects.

When we are struggling with any challenge, whether it be ill health, a lack of money, a lost job, poor relationships, an accident, whatever -- we need to look for the spiritual learning. We can ask ourselves, "What quality does my soul want me to live more fully?"

"If you start to think the problem is ‘out there,’ stop yourself. That thought is the problem."
-- Stephen Covey

Embrace the positive and negative in wholeness

"Only when we can love hell will we find heaven."
-- Unknown source

People often view the spiritual path as a search for the light. In truth, spirituality asks us to bring light and darkness together in wholeness. And in fact, this is the only possible solution. In our world of duality, any effort to focus all attention on the light only serves to increase the power of the darkness. Our aim is not to deny or reject anything but to embrace it all.

"When you are able to contain both the light and dark together, that is a very enlightening state. It means that you no longer have to choose one experience over another. You do not have to choose love OR hate, blame OR forgiveness, sadness OR joy, anger OR openheartedness. You are no longer polarized; no particular feeling boxes you in and keeps you from the light of true self. You then have access to the full range of human experiences you came into this life to embrace."
-- Martia Nelson

"Opening our hearts to the mystery and meaning
of our suffering can bring us into God's presence.
Be grateful for this opportunity." -- Mark Rosen

A spiritual approach to healing life's problems

The challenges we meet in life hold the power to open us to higher consciousness. Every block is there to help us let go of the personal, limited viewpoint of our personality and open to the impersonal, unlimited glory of our soul.

Life becomes both meaningful and joyful when we know the greater truth of who we are. And like it or not, going beyond positive thinking and working through problems is the only path to meaning, fulfillment and spiritual growth.

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